Oreo China flavors great giveaway – will birthday cake with sprinkles Oreos be yours for the holidays?

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Asia the place to go for cool twists on old standbys from the snack shelf. Japan is the undisputed king of new flavors. China ain’t too shabby.

Save the jokes about fried cat, or purist classic Oreo cries, a trip to a Shanghai supermarket yielded these flavors of Oreo:

Oreos China

  • Birthday Cake (生日蛋糕味)
  • Ice Cream Series – Vanilla (冰淇淋风味香草味)
  • Ice Cream Series – Matcha (冰淇淋风味抹茶味)
  • Green Grape + Peach (水晶葡萄味+水蜜桃味)
  • Orange + Mango (甜橙味+芒果味)
  • Raspberry + Blueberry (树莓味+蓝莓味)

And I am giving them away to readers, suitable for stocking stuffers or to confuse Santa into thinking he has landed in China, 6 winners will receive a box of their own.

The Giveaway:

Leave a comment on this post with a story about something unexpected you encountered in a foreign (to you) supermarket. And your preferred and backup flavor.

One entry per person. The comment should include a valid email address for verification of winners. Comments must be submitted by Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 23:59 EST. Comments that do not conform to the requirements will be disqualified. The winners will be selected with the random number generator at random.org, the winning numbers corresponding to comment numbers. Preferred flavors will be awarded in order of winner draw. The winners will be posted in a subsequent blog post. The winners will need to provide a US mailing address to Rapid Travel Chai to receive the prize (sorry, no non-US addresses). Rapid Travel Chai has no financial relationship with Kraft.

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[…] the hot demand for birthday cake, the Kraft folks should pay attention. Fortunately the winners are more […]

12 years ago

Cucumber Pepsi in Japan…not a huge fan. Oreos? Oh, any will do 🙂

12 years ago

Red bean ice cream. Sounded strange, but was delish!

Preferred: orange/mango
Second: raspberry


Abhishek Duggal
Abhishek Duggal
12 years ago

estofado de conejo – a stew made out of rabbits in Spain

Preferred: Orange + Mango (甜橙味+芒果味); Backup: Birthday Cake (生日蛋糕味)

12 years ago

Hmm, maybe I misunderstood the statement but the first thought that came to mind was listing an item that I thought was odd to have in a foreign supermarket, as a local product I could find at home but would not expect to find overseas. Oh well, I can give both. The first thought was being in Barcelona and finding, amidst fully skinned rabbits (eyes included) and lots and lots of black ham, Zensoy chocolate soymilk pudding (US based company). Aside from the produce, this was the pretty much the only thing my husband and I could eat since we’re… Read more »

12 years ago

warm soda in Japan. Yes, instead of putting them in the fridge, they put dozens of cans of soda on a hot plate to keep it warm.

Ice Cream Series – Matcha preferred flavor
Anything else could be my back up flavor. I just love those cookies!

mary m.
mary m.
12 years ago

the marshmallows in china are fruit-flavored…so odd…

First choice:
birthday cake
2nd choice:
vanilla ice cream

12 years ago

Preserves tofu that smelled like a rad kill on a hot summer day in Arizna! Makes durian smell like roses

kaye s
kaye s
12 years ago

Watermelon flavored coke in China!
Orange+ Mango/ Raspberry +Blueberry

Abhinav G
Abhinav G
12 years ago

Different Maggi Noodles flavor in the Philippines.

Orange + Mango and Birthday Cake.

12 years ago

Different types of meatand fish. My preferred flavor is raspberry/blueberry. Second is birthday cake.

12 years ago

Seeing prosciutto with the hoof still attached. Any flavor would be great. Thanks!

12 years ago

Going into restaurants in Canada and servers asking if you want gravy on your french fries! No offense to any Canadians reading this but I don’t like gravy on anything. So putting it on my french fries is totally gross. Best thing I’ve ever ate in Canada is a Moose Burger…..YUM Makes me want one for dinner.

Birthday Cake or Vanilla Ice Cream is my flavor for the Oreo’s. I tried the candy corn oreos this thanksgiving didn’t really care for them

12 years ago

Ketchup flavored ‘crisps’ in London.

Going in the other direction – the lack of what Americans call Swiss cheese in Switzerland. Instead, a whole section of the cheese counter is devoted to delicious Swiss-made fromage.

12 years ago

Something unexpected, hmm… Probably the different flavors of Mentos candies in Japan. I’d already known about the Kitkats and potato chips, but the Mentos I hadn’t expected. It’s always fun to see what you’re familiar with in a different guise in another country! 🙂 1st Choice: Birthday Cake 2nd Choice: Green Grape & Peach Actually, I rather jumped out of my seat when I saw those Birthday ones. My sister’s crazy for them! They were to celebrate Oreo’s 100th birthday this year. I grabbed a couple of 4-cookie packs when I found them in Dubai earlier this year, because the… Read more »

12 years ago

Pepperoni pizza at the local street market in south baghdad iraq in 2007 (during my 15 month deployment on one of my weekly trips to the market), as pork is totally off limits to the muslim people. when I asked the vendor why in world he was selling pepperoni pizza at an Iraqi market, his answer was simple, “solider like pepperoni on their pizza”……well played my friend……your pizza was awful.

1st choice: Birthday Cake (sounds way better then Iraqi Pepperoni Pizza)
2nd choice: Ice Cream Series – Vanilla (also sounds way better then Iraqi Pepperoni Pizza)

12 years ago

Duck flavor lays! I found them in Thailand last year while I was pregnant and they were incredible!

1st choice: Birthday cake (they had them here in the US last year and they were good!)
2nd choice: Matcha. Sounds interesting!

12 years ago

My wife loves the Lemon Iced Tea flavored Lay’s potato chips that I get her when I’m in China.

My favorite Oreos are the matcha ice cream flavor followed by the birthday cake.

12 years ago

Green tea kit Kat in Japan!

12 years ago

Being a foreigner myself in US, the most unexpected thing I had was blue cheese, I mean, it’s a whole bunch of deeply molded cheese with visible germ colonies!!!!!!

12 years ago

Love visiting US fastfood chains abroad. In Hong Kong always like to grab a Red Bean Sundae at McDonald’s.
Travelling with a baby in Italy? Baby food is only available in pharmacies. Top two flavors: rabbit and horse, complete with adorable cartoon characters.
Birthday cake or matcha, why not?

12 years ago

Fresh meat left out for hours. My western mind can’t handle it. haha
Birthday cake and matcha!

12 years ago

Going to grocery stores when I travel is one of my favorite things! In Argentina, the supermarkets seem to all blast rock/pop music while you shop. It’s like a shopping party – very different from Muzak-filled American shops. Any flavor would be great.

tiffany l
tiffany l
12 years ago

all the chicken flavored snacks are always a surprise in asian supermarkets. chicken flavored chips, anyone? my preferred and backup flavors are matcha and birthday cake (in that order). thanks!

12 years ago

I have a friend whose husband collects macaroni and cheese boxes, so I go into supermarkets all over to look for ones for him. He was especially appreciative of the ones I found in Peru.

In terms of strange foods, there are always the packaged dried mopane worms in South Africa. (Which also has interesting potato chip flavors, like peri peri chicken or curry.)

My first choice would be matcha, second would be birthday cake.

12 years ago

In Japan, I saw (and purchased) wasabi ice cream, and purple sweet potato ice cream.

1st choice: Matcha
2nd choice: Green grape/peach

12 years ago

In a grocery store in Italy (maybe in all of Europe) I observed other local shoppers not touching fruits and veggies with their bare hands. Instead they use the plastic bags as “glove”.

1st choice: orange mango
2nd choice: matcha

Andrew C
Andrew C
12 years ago

Pretty much any seafood-flavored snack item…

preference for orange/mango, then vanilla. thanks!

12 years ago

Whenever I hear someone is going to Japan, I always ask for some exotic flavored Kit Kats. Green Tea or Soy.
Looks like China has some great novelty foods as well. I would love to try Green Tea or Orange Mango.

George V
George V
12 years ago

By the way, they were Lays brand potato chips.

George V
George V
12 years ago

Masala flavored potato chips in India. There were a lot of other geographically specific flavors, but that’s the one I distinctly remember.

Birthday cake sounds interesting as a first choice, otherwise green grape+ preach.


12 years ago


12 years ago

好久没吃到有抹茶冰淇淋口味的奥利奥了,真想机会有能尝尝再。 Gracias!

12 years ago

I’d like birthday cake or grape+peach.

12 years ago

Brussel sprouts on a vine versus in a bag! I prefer Birthday cake, back up vanilla ice cream!

12 years ago

I came across some interesting M&M packages in a grocery store in Guangdong Province, China. The flavor was the same, but the package was pyramid shaped. We bought several and used them as party favors at my son’s 4th birthday party. They were a hit.

I also bought some chewable durian flavored candy. I gave them to some unsuspecting coworkers. I thought they weren’t too bad, but they were not impressed.

12 years ago

I continue to be taken aback when I see fresh eggs just sitting on a shelf, unrefrigerated. My preferred flavor is raspberry/blueberry. Back-up is birthday cake. Thanks!