My Week in Points October 7-13: points for pray

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No excuse that you are out of cash at houses of worship nowadays as more accept plastic. In Card Swipes in Chuch Make Giving Easier, NYT’s Bucks profiles strategies to increase giving using donation kiosks and other methods to virtually crinkle and jingle. The article highlights two competitors in the ‘pay per pew’ space, ParishPay and SecureGive.

Bucks’ Why You Have 49 Different Credit Scores is interesting as well.

Chicago Seminars ruled the weekend, that wrap-up to follow. Between that and Haiti I had little time to for the hard earning work. Some follow-ups were resolved and glad to clear them out:

  • AA bonus from Labor Day Avis car rental posted, within the 10 days Avis said it would take. Nice to not have to chase them. Reminder to watch every car rental charge and award like a hawk!
  • The Delta SkyBonus targeted 10k survey took the full 6 weeks to post, but post it did. Those kind oddball of ones are easy to forget so I keep them on a watch list.

Credit cards:

  • Last week I wrote about Amex maintenance, forgot to mention a month earlier had called rentention on my Hilton Surpass and SPG personal and got perhaps the lamest offers ever, 1,000 each account. Didn’t use either much but nonetheless need to learn how to sweet talk them better!
  • Thanksgiving will be annual time for the BoA/BoH triple (Virgin Atlantic Amex, BoA Hawaiian, BoH Hawaiian), can’t find a reason to hold on to any of them, that will sit on my list for a while as I do not relish the phone calls.
  • The Chase United credit card 5,000 for $1,000 spend promo appears to be a lost cause, but just to avoid feeling envy if people actually do get them to post, I will try to make the spend, fortunately I had some car rentals in Aug-Sep on the card so do not need the full $1,000 this month.

Best Western: Someday when I go back to Australia I want to travel with a strategic reserve of Best Western points because those would have been much more useful than anything I had. Points Unseen has a timely post, What’s a Best Western Point Worth?

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Rapid Travel Chai
12 years ago

@LIH Prem – I love View from the Pew, though View from the Pulpit might be more fitting, Pew has the best aural ring.

LIH Prem
LIH Prem
12 years ago

I’m thinking about the intersection of credit card referral bloggers, points plays and religious zelots.

Gary might have to start a new blog: View from the Pew.

Million Mile Prayers can have a 28 part series on how he and his wife gave their way to the pilgrimage of their lives, not once, but twice!! And they were able to stay at 5-star properties once they got there!! Those extra padded mats make prosthelytizing so much easier on the knees.


LIH Prem
LIH Prem
12 years ago

eat, pray, points?