My Week in Points: Fall Is Here, Things Heat Up

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I have 5 hours in my apartment in October, as my wife says wistfully, “See you for Thanksgiving,” though she is doing her share of travel.

I had a mixed business and pleasure Southern Africa trip: Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa and Namibia (see Travel is Free trip report). It was then that daytime layover in NY and onward for the Chicago Seminars, where I presented International Travel Bootcamp to kick off the event, 101 Tips, Tricks and Hacks to be an Expert Traveler, and moderated the closing panel.

[slideshare id=54060702&doc=rapidtravelchaiinternationaltravelbootcamp-chicagoseminars2015-151017151348-lva1-app6892]

I am in Dubai this week for business and about to set off for Africa. I cluster my annual vacation around late winter/spring and fall to enjoy the offseason in most places.

Hardly enough time to notice the passing of REDBird this month, this is the kind of month where I reap the rewards of miles and points and worry about the earning side of the ledger when back.

Lots of travel developments from new routes to oddball credit cards.

New Airline Routes:



Credit Cards:



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9 years ago

probably not a good idea to just write/say what you thought when a wife need more time with you. “See you for next Thanksgiving” sounds like a sweet protest.