Uganda Visa on Arrival

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When things go perfectly in travel it can feel oh so good.

Uganda offers visa on arrival to US citizens and other nationalities. The standard visa is US$50.

The US State Department discourages travelers from using visa on arrival and the Ugandan Embassy in Washington does not mention it on its website. Other sites recommend visa on arrival as the easiest option.

Coming off the KLM flight late at night there was no surprise that there was a temperature check and review of a new health form.

After that it is straight to the immigration officer for one-stop service. The most frustrating forms of visa on arrival are where you need to go to multiple booths, fill out multiple forms, need photos, pay somewhere else, and maybe have to pay in local currency.

In Uganda you walk up with your passport and arrival card. The officer says, “Give me $50,” quickly preparing a receipt and stamping your passport, maybe asking a question or two about your trip.

Technically the officer can request return ticket, evidence of sufficient funds, and if arriving from certain countries, certificate of yellow fever vaccination.

My officer simply said, “I wish you the best.”

What a great welcome to Uganda. A walk in the park.

Uganda Jinja Birds

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22 days ago

VOA is no longer a thing for Uganda. It can be very confusing, there is even a US state department FAQ that claims there is, the Uganda Airlines inflight magazine claims there is VOA. There is not! It has all moved to an e-Visa system, where it takes several days to receive approval. You print the approval, bring it to the immigration officer, and then print the visa and apply in your passport. Theoretically much more efficient, and less prone to corruption. You can pay with a credit card. So there I am sitting in the departure hall at Kinshasa,… Read more »

Hannah @Getting Stamped

Do you know about VOA at land boarders from Kenya? I have an american passport.


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[…] Uganda Visa on Arrival […]


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[…] Uganda Visa on Arrival […]


[…] Uganda Visa on Arrival […]


[…] Uganda Visa on Arrival […]

LIH Prem
LIH Prem
10 years ago

no other blogger will be telling us about Uganda VOA I bet. Enjoy the trip Stefan!


Michael W Travels
10 years ago

We entered/ exited Uganda overland from Kenya and received our Visa on the spot. I don’t remember what it cost but I don’t believe it was $50 or that we needed a passport photo. A Swiss couple on our trip got their Visas in advance and had a nice page with photo added to their passports. (I was a bit jealous!)

10 years ago

Also keep in mind in needs to be a crisp bill printed after 2006 to make life easier in going through customs.

10 years ago

I had an easy time getting my visa on arrival in Uganda. Have fun!
@Bill, have a great time! I went gorilla trekking in Rwanda and in the DRC. Rwanda by far is the more organized one but at the same time, I really enjoyed the rustic feel of DRC. It’s rare you find a sign with bullet holes on it to welcome you to its national park. 😉
I don’t think I’ve read that many blogger reviews on the Serena hotel chain but omg wow — Serena hotels are over the top luxurious in Africa! Wow!

10 years ago

That’s great. Except for any gay or lesbian couples traveling, there may be a chance that you’d be refused due to their anti-gay laws. So any gay or lesbian travelers wanting to risk travel to Uganda would be wise to apply in advance and not take the additional risk…and gay blogs have suggested not checking in with the customs officials there together so as to avoid the appearance that they are a couple and therefore potentially be rejected entry into the country. (That is one reason we as a gay couple are going to Rwanda in a few weeks instead… Read more »