TSA PreCheck now at LAX, coming to Alaska Airlines, and how so many people are using the lanes

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TSA PreCheck expedited screening program launched at Los Angeles Airport (LAX) on January 18 for American Airlines flyers.

Alaska Airlines flyers will be eligible for PreCheck at so far unannounced airports at so far unannounced dates. No press release from Alaska Airlines.

The Rapid Traveler has puzzled over the huge number of people using the lanes, far beyond the traffic one would expect from the roughly one million members of the CPB’s Trusted Traveler programs. On his flight last Friday the woman behind him had no idea about PreCheck or Trusted Traveler Programs, but there she was, needlessly taking off her shoes.

So, The Rapid Traveler went back to the PreCheck website and found that Trusted Traveler Program membership is not a requisite (bold emphasis added):

Certain frequent flyers from Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and certain members of CBP’s Trusted Traveler programs, including Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS who are U.S. citizens are eligible to participate.

The airlines determine eligibility and are allowing many elite status flyers to participate as long as they update their Secure Flight Passenger Data information in their airline profile, which most travelers are prompted to do in online check-in.

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Carol Pucci
Carol Pucci
12 years ago

If you’re an Alaska Air customer using PreCheck at LAX or another airport, I’d love to talk with you about how it’s going. I’m a travel writer for the Seattle Times. Contact me at cpucci@seattletimes.com. Thanks

Rapid Travel Chai
13 years ago

@ Golfingboy – thanks for the Alaska update
@ Mark P – great to hear MSP is up and running on schedule

Mark P
Mark P
13 years ago

Used it for the first time today at MSP as a Delta Platinum. No people on the exclusive line. Computer left in bag, liquids left in bag, jacket and shoes left on. Very Nice. Thanks Delta.

13 years ago

For the Alaska program, it has been announced via e-mail that SEA will be the airport partaking in this program between the TSA and AS.

I got an e-mail invitation, due to my status, to take part in the program.