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Scam City: Shanghai Edition (Points Summary).
China’s last armed village (Reuters).
A video tour of the ‘Tower of David,’ Venezuela’s infamous skyscraper-turned-slum (Washington Post).
Pangea with political boundaries (FlowingData).
Mom Wants You Married? So Does the State [in South Korea] (NYT).
Kimpton launches complimentary bikes at hotels nationwide (Loyalty Traveler).
For a Breath of Fresh Air in China, A Mere Four Cities Make the Cut (WSJ).
British Airways improves functionality of online award search tool (One Mile at a Time).
A Word of Warning for Returning Your Rental Car After Hours (New Girl in the Air).
Don’t Rely on Phone Agents or Airline Websites: Here’s Which Tools to Use to Find Award Space on Your Own (View from the Wing).
So, what exactly is it like to be a “travel blogger” today? (Wandering Aramean).
Minimum Spend Requirement on PenFed Travel Rewards Credit Card Takes a Nose Dive (Fishing 4 Deals).
Violent and Chaotic, Central African Republic Lurches Toward a Crisis (NYT).
Is the British Airways Travel Together Ticket Really a Good Value? (Online Travel Review).
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maybe a little bit too much blog sphere articles in this issue which readers might read already during the week…better to have more “out of network” articles with your comments?
@Shannon – thanks for the note. I haven’t been doing My Week in Points this summer, I found I was doing too little miles and points to be of any interest, so many people are so much more hardcore than me, so I had this stack of blog posts I found really useful and no home for them. This goes back to the debate about readers who don’t follow a bunch of blogs vs readers who do, hard to strike a balance for all their needs.