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Two days puttering around the house, doing odd jobs, running errands, maybe a disappointing summer blockbuster movie.
Instead, a mad dash flying15,000 miles, starting Friday at 5:01 pm, punching out at the office and racing for the airport.
Spicing up an August weekend last year I took a ‘trip of a lifetime,’ my colleagues never knowing I was gone until they spied a Cheshire Cat with them at the cafeteria on Monday. Leaving work Friday evening as usual, I had flown 7,500 miles to Dubai, driven a 543 mile circuit of all 7 Emirates of the United Arab Emirates, flown back Sunday night and rolled into the office a forgivable 4 minutes late at 8:04 am Monday.

The point is not to show off but to open possibilities and introduce the planning methods and tools to Travel Fast and Smart…Linger Only in Memories!
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