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Roger the gate agent at LGA, a prince of a man who handles the chaos at LGA with aplomb, gave me 2 Delta ‘Have One on Us’ coupons, expiring 12/31/12 as a consolation for not getting a voluntary bump.
I will give them away individually since not many people succeed in convincing family in tow to accept buyouts…
The Giveaway:
Leave a comment on this post with a story about being bumped from a flight, voluntary or involuntary.
One entry per person. The comment should include a valid email address for verification of winners. Comments must be submitted by Monday, December 10, 2012 at 23:59 EST. Comments that do not conform to the requirements will be disqualified. The winners will be selected with the random number generator at, the winning number corresponding to comment number. The winners will be posted in a subsequent blog post. The winners will need to provide a US mailing address to Rapid Travel Chai to receive the prize (sorry, no non-US addresses). Rapid Travel Chai has no financial relationship with Delta Airlines.
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[…] comments on the original post had great stories about couples and travel, so check them out. […]
Have only been bumped twice. The last time, I arrived at JFK for a US Airways flight to San Fran. They said they needed volunteers to take a later flight, but weren’t sure when that would be. The $450 though was very convincing:>) It ended up being 2+ hours til I got on a flight, but in the meantime I made some new friends… in particular a lovely woman who just happened to live in Brooklyn also. My buddy in San Fran was a little po’ed, but when I showed him a couple of phone snaps from the airport, his… Read more »
The only time I had a chance to be bumped was five years ago! I certainly took it. It was $600 to take a plane to a city an hour away from the original destination, and they provided a van that chauffeured me from the other city, right up to my doorway. 😀
Got bumped for 1st and only time till now when flying from ORD to PVG on United. It was in March this year. Took 400 United certificate and re-route to SFO, stayed there one night, then heading to PEK. Well, not bad but it would be better to get to PVG instead.
Got bumped flying from BDL to MSP! Took the 400 bucks and ended up arriving only a few hours later…I was hooked!
Just got bumped off a vie-fra flight last night, but got to my destination faster thanks to vie-waw flight. Unfortunately my bag is still in transit…
Ps great blog!
My family and I were flying to San Francisco a couple of years ago, when Southwest asked for volunteers to be bumped. My two oldest sons volunteered and said they would meet us in San Francisco. In addition to the $400 vouchers each, their next flight one hour later landed in Las Vegas for a four hour layover in Vegas. First time for them in Vegas and they told us all about it when I picked them up at SFO late that night.
bumped in LAX to ATL on redeye and out on 6am flight. by time i got all arrangements worked out there was no transportation to hotel. this was also a MR so i had been on a plane all day and needed to freshen up. after talking to delta rep on phone they told me to take a cab and will send me an additional $100, which they time got to hotel i had 1:15 to shower change then get in cab back to LAX and slept all way, in business, to ATL…..was a good run
My first bump is the true cause of my mileage addiction. Northwest airlines from phl to sat.
The first time I ever flew internationally was on Virgian Atlantic in JFK. I remember I got to the airport super early and they were asking for volunteers to move to another flight in exchange for a 250 pound voucher or 20000 miles. I decided to take the voucher, since I knew nothing about miles at that time. The flight I was bumped to was only 45 minutes later and was the easiest 400 bucks I ever made!
My wife and I were both bumped on the way to Thanksgiving with my parents. We were originally scheduled to fly out on a red-eye on Wednesday night. Instead, we each got a $400 voucher, a few hours at a hotel before our rebooked flight the next morning, and $40 of meal vouchers between the two of us. We arrived on Thanksgiving day at about 4:00 in the afternoon, so we made it just in time for turkey dinner!
Earlier this year I was flying Southwest on someone else’s dime to Albuquerque for a bachelor party, and the flight as oversold. I’d checked and the next flight out would still get me there in time, so I was able to volunteer for a bump when did happen. Since it was over 3 hours later than the original arrival time I wound up with $500 for a ticket I hadn’t bought. (And the bachelor party was actually pretty good, no injuries and the debauchery remained within acceptable parameters.)
My wife and I took a voluntary bump in Salt Lake City years ago and then took another bump on the next flight they got us on. We still got back to ATL in the same day but it was late but well worth it. 4 tickets is worth a bit of a hassle.
I took a $400 UA bump last winter for a flight 90 minutes later. The original flight had mechanical problems, and wound up getting in about two hours after mine. My bags were on the original flight, too, so I got them delivered to my house! Not bad.
I took a bump on a DL flight to San Diego for $600 for 2 hours later. When I got to my next flight, they were offering a $400 bump, but couldnt take it since I needed to get there that night.
I once took a voluntary bump on an AA flight and was rebooked on a flight four hours later. I then called AA and managed to get on a new flight that actually got me to my final destination earlier. So I got better routing AND $400.