Lonely Planet ebook maps free download (yes, all of them)

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Lonely Planet has made publicly available all the maps for its ebooks. I noticed this when checking out my first ebook from the library, Lonely Planet Cyprus, which directs readers to these links in order to make clear printouts. Even without the books, the maps can be a useful reference.

Disclaimer 1: I almost did not post this because as far as I can tell, these are exclusively the horrendous new-style blue, dumbed-down maps that have Lonely Planet connoisseurs stockpiling pre-2011 editions. I have ranted about these before. There was a thread on Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree forum discussing this but it is now “not available,” and a separate survey from Lonely Planet is also “not available” and the results were never posted or commented on by Lonely Planet. If they put up a classic map archive I would be so appreciative!

Disclaimer 2: Downloading the files is really tedious, the file names have various abbreviations, some files are just thumbnail icons, and the files are not even grouped into ZIP files by book.

A brute force method is to use a download helper like DownThemAll!, create a folder for “Save Files in,” then for “Remaning Mask” type:


Lonely Planet DownThemAll

This will download everything, 12,000+ files, placing the files in new folders by book. Once it starts you can select all, pause, cancel some, whatever you please.

There are probably many more elegant ways to download, this however, is where I turn to the experts. Readers, any suggestions?

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[…] seem to be the post-2011 style Lonely Planet Maps, as Boarding Area seems to point out. They’re also pretty tedious to download, since they’re individual files and […]

11 years ago

If you’re vaguely savvy with Linux/MacOS, downloading these is pretty easy: Download the main HTML file, use grep to extract the .pdf links, download all with wget; or use xargs to do it in parallel.

Rapid Travel Chai
11 years ago
Reply to  K.Ross

@K.Ross – thanks for the tech tip.


[…] however, seem to be the pre-2011 style Lonely Planet Maps, as Boarding Area seems to point out. They’re also pretty tedious to download, since they’re individual files and […]

Andy F.
Andy F.
12 years ago

Oh yeah it worked by just loading dTa!! Thanks Stefan.

Rapid Travel Chai
12 years ago

@Andy F – try just loading DownThemAll! so it detects all the link and don’t click on any specific file, it should by default download every link.

Andy F.
Andy F.
12 years ago

Yes I used dTa but when I clicked on any pdf file, it only download that particular file..

Erica @ Frequent Flyer Services
Erica @ Frequent Flyer Services
12 years ago

This is a great resource. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Dave C
Dave C
12 years ago

I think you want to add a “.” for the renaming mask so it recognizes the extension. Like this: *subdirs*/*name*.*ext*

Rapid Travel Chai
12 years ago
Reply to  Dave C

@Dave C – thanks for catching that mistake, I took a screenshot of my first attempt that had that typo, very embarrassing, I have updated the post.

Iolaire McFadden
Iolaire McFadden
12 years ago

Good information, I’m bookmarking it.

Andy F.
Andy F.
12 years ago

Hi Stefan, How did you set download? lonelyplanet.com/ebookmaps?

Rapid Travel Chai
12 years ago
Reply to  Andy F.

@Andy F – with DownThemAll! I used the auto-detect main auto-detect which pulls up all 12k+ links, DownThemAll! does this automatically when you launch it unless you override.

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