Flying Pluna, a non-review: it was fine

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Pluna is a (relatively) low-cost airline based in Montevideo, Uruguay. Yesterday’s post described its uses to fill in southern South America trips in a region of large distances and sky-high airfares. But what is it like to fly? It’s just fine.

Chile Argentina 032

Nothing to see here, move along

Check-in at Santiago (SCL) took ages. It was difficult to suss out the reasons for all the delays. Predicatably, there was strict enforcement of their 8 kg carry-on rule and it was a battle to be allowed to carry-on a standard rollerboard due to the small aircraft. Travelers to/from Brazil can check one bag for free, though. Others pay US$30.

Both flights, from Santiago to Montevideo (MVD) and then on to Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP) were totally unremarkable. Everything went as scheduled, there were no surprises or differences from other generic airlines. No signature touch of whimsy or stinginess. Nothing was free except use of seat belts. Duty-free sales were particularly merciless.

Pluna got The Rapid Traveler and Mrs. from point A to point B, and that was all that was needed. It was convenient to fly into Aeroparque instead of remote Ezeiza (EZE), and there were not even any taxi touts to hassle arrivals.  The Rapid Traveler and Mrs. will take Pluna again if a similar need arises.

Readers, what is your experience with Pluna?

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The Travel Abstract
12 years ago

I almost went on the AEP-MVD Pluna flight but my punta del este trip plans fell through.

I was wondering how you would compare Pluna to the stress test known as Aerolineas Argentinas?