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Late off the presses…romantic weekend intervened.
Daily Mail covers the latest Chinese effort to avoid the health and social class lowering effects of a tan in Meet the Face-Kini.
A number of sources wrote about using Gmail’s 2-step verification to secure accounts. Especially important for those frequently public internet connections and (gasp!) public computers.
The New York Times Magazine in Imran Khan Must Be Doing Something Right, unusually for news, used the words “doing something right” in the context of Pakistan. Going back a few weeks they published an article on health care, What Can Mississippi Learn from Iran? Given what happens when US politicians suggest learning from the education or health systems of countries like Singapore and Finland, imagine how this would go down in debate?
And then the NYT has a piece titled New Job Candidates Treat Travel Policy as a Negotiating Point, without giving any concrete examples. Don’t bother with that nothingness.
You’ll Never Be Chinese from The Prospect is personally of interest from my years living in China, a country where ethnicity and nationhood are conflated (and that idea vigorously propagated by the current government to maintain power). While a foreigner never stops being a foreigner in the mind of Chinese, I never felt lonely like I frequently did in my much shorter time in Japan, where I felt like an invisible ghost drifting through a picturebook.
The Myanmar government may not yet appreciate what they have unleashed by allowing Titanic into its theaters (so far, singular theater, though).
Airport junkies have a chance to tour JFK’s T5 on October 7.
Africa’s Ethiopian Airlines just became the 3rd airline worldwide to put the Dreamliner in service. I have been meaning to fly them for a convenient stop in Ethiopia and they often have great fares from the US on their flight from Washington Dulles.
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Good one…”convenient stop in Ethiopia”
I love how a “TAN” can have such opposite meanings between Chinese and American cultures…..